Big love to Oni for his advice on getting out of a slump in your hobby time. By taking inspiration from my fellow FTW bloggers it seems I've managed to drag myself out of the doledroms of idleness and have completed a Farseer and warlock project that has been dragging on for far, far too long. Hopefully in the next week I'll be focusing on finishing those blasted 3rd ed Dire Avengers (red ones in the background) and getting them tabletop ASAP. In the meantime, here be my progress this week.
Ahoy all, me again. It's been a while my dear friends, alas I am at a slump in my hobby enthusiasm - diverted away by the way of the student and my near fanatical devotion to running Dark Heresy for the boys. It's a strange time, where rather than focus on armies on the battlefield, you have to worry about a smaller group of people who you have little control over. Ah, the joys of the GM.
However, I digress. Gentlemen (and ladies) my question to you is how do you get out of the habit of putting the hobby to the sideline?
Yes, twas just a short one today, bigger update tomorrow with my entry for best squad in Golden Griffon at Conflict, but here is progress one one of my Eldar Pathfinders.
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard! More soon
about my own stuff...
But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitabl...
Two more rifle-dreads
I finally managed to take pictures of the other two dreadnoughts. They are
also venerable and armed with twin autocannons. This makes three in total
Stepping away from blogging for a while
I know, this isn't exactly 40k related, but I wanted to break from the
normal stuff and talk about something that has been following me in the
shadows for...
Progress! On A Small Scale
Any progress is good progress as far as I’m concerned.
[image: IMG_0096]
I still need to do a lot more with these, but I can say that they’re close
to d...
!!! I WON !!!
There it is, up there on the top left hand corner, right above last years :)
This one was hard as you can see from my stats. I stalled after about ...
The Sable Swords - Part 1
The shower of blood indicated that brother Solos' frag missle had hit home
into the ork lines, the sound of bolters chattering and the nearby and
howls of ...